Sunday, January 4, 2009

More to Come

More information coming soon.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cleveland Rocks...with Snow!!!

The Cleveland team is in the city. They are so glad they went today instead of Saturday. As they drove, they saw around 50 cars off the road covered with snow. God protected the team. The city itself got between 15-20 inches Matt said. There will be many needs this week in Cleveland. Pray that the team will be open to God's will. Also, pray that they will be safe and warm.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day Eight Prayer Requests for the Honduras Team


Today the team will be returning to Bowling Green. Pray for safety as the team travels back home. Pray that the team members will have a renewed zeal to share the gospel.

Day Seven Prayer Requests for the Honduras Team


Today the team will be wrapping up the week in Honduras. Pray that they will evaluate how God has worked there and in their lives. Pray that the team members’ lives will experience personal revival due to how God worked this week.

Day Six Prayer Requests for the Honduras Team


Pray today that the team will see people and things from God’s perspective. Pray that the team members will be full of the joy of the Lord in all situations.

Day Five Prayer Requests for the Honduras Team


Pray that the missionaries will glorify God each day with their actions and words. Pray that the team members will develop a sense of humility and reject pride while there are serving God in Opimuca.

Day Four Prayer Requests for The Honduras Team


Pray for the families of the teams today, that they will be comforted and encouraged while their loved one is serving God in Honduras. Pray for the team that they will have strength to carry on without the presence of their family and friends.